[Oa] where to find nice Japanese style pastel shade cardstock

Lorna Sams oaenthusiast at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 20 17:42:16 MST 2011


Another question from a newbie: where might I find nice Japanese style pastel shade cardstock in the U.S. that are used in Keiko Nakazawa's books? I like those light shades and I recall them being quite commonly available in Japan and even China. But the pastel colors that I have seen in my local stores and on-line stores are not quite the same. Maybe what Ms. Nakazawa uses isn't considered pastel colors, but by another name/designation?


--- On Wed, 7/20/11, Gerry Stormer <gstormer at charter.net> wrote:

From: Gerry Stormer <gstormer at charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Oa] seeking source for Professor Chatani's grand piano pattern
To: "Origamic Architecture Discussion List" <oa at magni.evermore.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 11:25 AM

Hello Jane,
The pattern appears in the pattern book titled: 
Pop-Up Cards For All OccasionsBy Chatani/NakazawaOndorisha 1990ISBN 0-87040-808-6
Hope this helps.
Gerry Stormer

On Jul 20, 2011, at 1:13 PM, Lorna Sams wrote:

I am looking for the grand piano design by professor Chatani and would greatly appreciate it if anyone on this list can tell me which one of his books contain this pattern--and where I might get a copy of the pattern. I saw a book by him listed on Amazon a few weeks back that had it featured on the cover, but I can't seem to find that book on Amazon anymore. The book was also very expensive, I remember it being retailed for about $159.00

Thank you very much for you help!


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