[Oa] Oa Digest, Vol 53, Issue 4

julieflanagan1 at juno.com julieflanagan1 at juno.com
Wed Mar 9 22:11:55 MST 2011

I have the Craft Robo 100, also. It is a sturdier machine made of metal than its newer cousins, Craft Robo 200, Silhouette, Silhouette SD, and Wishblade. If you don't mind its limited cutting width, slow speed, limited cutting pressure, and poor quality blades that wear out quickly and are very expensive to replace, it is a nice, reliable cutting machine. It does print and cut projects very accurately, and does nice clean, detailed cuts. Julie, craftymusician at comcast.net  Flanagan Educational Services
Purchase MTC:    http://tinyurl.com/JF-MTC2  
www.scrap-savvy.com     http://tinyurl.com/SCAL-Purchase 
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