[Oa] Update on Marivi CD

Julie Palmer juliadpalmer at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 10 05:53:27 MST 2007

Hi Andrew, 
I found out some info concerning Marivi, the email I received is below. The
info comes from a friend of Marivi who's name is Tonianne.

Julie P.

I heard from Marivi and here is what she said

"Yes, like 10 years ago I wanted to sell some of my designs on a CD and I
posted an advertising at my sites, but when I moved to Spain (6 years ago) I
decided not to sell them anymore. I have sold  CD to two persons and I send
them as present to some friends also. Now I really do not want to sell any
of my designs on CD's and it seams that people is searching the whole world
to find a copy of them. The thing is that I found some companies which are
producing cards out of my designs and this is illegal because the person who
might bought my patterns on CD's is not allowed to commercialize them. They
are only for personal use as all patterns that they can find in Chatani's
So now she isn't working on no future CD's.  It is a shame when other people take others designs and sell them and get the credit for it.  Both Lin Stanley and I know how this feels as there were a lot of Lin Stanleys designs that someone took, made a few adjustments and had a book published by Design Originals and the worst part is she even works for Design Originals.  This person joins groups to get patterns and ideas and has them published and makes a lot of money doing this.
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