[Oa] Patterns at Paper Garden

Monika Musfeld Monika.Musfeld at gmx.de
Sat Jun 10 02:14:57 MST 2006

Hello Alisher,

I got your mail by evermore. I have the passwords of the pop-up-cards

from Paper Garden. Here they are.

Have fun with it. Please excuse my bad english. Greetings from Germany.


*File Name (Pattern's Title) ......"password"

@ = New

--------------------------- A-M -------------------------

@ chuetsu-bank.pdf(Former Chuetsu Bank,

Head Office) ........."21274"

* clarke-hall.pdf (Clarke Memorial Hall) ....."k1893"

* ehime-pref.pdf (Ehime Prefectural Office,

Main Building)..."matsuyama"

* hikone-koudou.pdf (The Lecture Hall of Former

Hikone Commercial College)......."shiga"

* hiro-kaikousha.pdf (Former Hirosaki


* itoigawa-shed.pdf (The Train Shed of

Itoigawa Station) ........"1912"

* iwakura-sub.pdf (Former Iwakura Substation

of Nagoya Rail Road Co.)........"inuyama"

* kaichi-school2.pdf (Former Kaichi

Elementary School)........."matsumoto2"

* kashira_ch.pdf (Kashiragashima

Catholic Church)......."k1919"

* koga-bank.pdf (Former Koga Bank)............"saga1916"

* matsuyama-school.pdf (The Lecture Hall

of Old Matsuyama High School) ......"shokodo"

* mitsubishi-karatsu.pdf (Former Mitsubishi

Limited Partnership, Karatsu Branch)..."1908karatsu"

* mitsuke-school.pdf (Former Mitsuke

Elementary School)......"i1875"

* moriokanourin.pdf (Former Morioka Advanced

Agriculture and Forestry school)...."iwate"

-------------------------- N-Z -------------------------

* nishiiwakuni-st.pdf

(Nishi-Iwakuni Station)..."gantokusen"

* nishi-tagawa.pdf (Former Nishi-tagawa

County Office)........."n1881"

* osk-moji.pdf (Former Osaka-Shosen-Kaisha

Moji Branch)......"moji1917"

* otaru-seikoukai.pdf (Otaru Anglican


* oyama-shrine.pdf (The Divine Gate of

Oyama Shrine)...."maeda"

* sapporo-kousoin.pdf (Former Sapporo Court

of Appeal)......"sa1926"

* shiga-kencho.pdf (Shiga Prefectural Office,

Main Building)........"5138"

* shinbashi_st.pdf (The Old

Shinbashi Station)......"1872shinbashi"

* sizuokakencho.pdf (Shizuoka Prefectural

Office, Main Building)..........."suruga"

* takefu-hall.pdf (Former

Takefu Public Hall) ....."takefu"

* tochigi-school.pdf (Former Tochigi

Prefectural Ordinary Middle School)..."hakuakan"

* toyama-nou.pdf (Former Toyama Prefectural

Agriculture School)........."ganjoukaku"

* ujiyamada_po.pdf (Uji-yamada Post Office ).."ise1909"

* yokohama-moji.pdf (Former Yokohama Specie

Bank, Moji Branch)....."yamagin"

* yomikaki.pdf (Yomikaki Water Power Plant,

Main building)......"kiso1923"

* yonezawa_tech.pdf (Former Yonezawa Higher

Technical School)...."yo1910"

Monika Musfeld

Kantstraße 5 A

79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen

Telefon und FAX: 0 76 24 / 49 63

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: oa-bounces at evermore.com [mailto:oa-bounces at evermore.com]Im Auftrag von

Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Juni 2006 05:07

An: OA mailing list

Betreff: [Oa] Patterns at Paper Garden


There are a lot of interesting OA-models at site Paper Garden
(http://f1.aaa.livedoor.jp/~sakyo/titlepage/popupcard01.html). And all
PDF-files with patterns are secured by password. But there is form "Request
for Pop-Up Cards Password"
(http://f1.aaa.livedoor.jp/~sakyo/renraku/e-get-password.html) to request
the password for free. It seems that form does not work. I sent direct
e-mail to Sakyo, but still have not received any answer.

So, can anybody send me the password if already have it? Hope, this action
is not an criminal omission. :)




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