[Oa] Re: Swivel Roof Mechanism

Jeff Gomes jgomes at mmmagic.com
Fri May 6 14:01:35 MST 2005


Thank you very much for the recommendation.  I have searched in vain for this book in all the libraries in my area.  I shall have to buy it.


At 0010 -0400 05/06/2005, Fjmxcels at aol.com wrote:
>I would like to suggest you take a look at Duncan Birmingham's book Pop-Ups! A Manual of Paper Mechanisms. In particular, Mechanism #49 (Pop-up  House) p.44 and possibly Mechanism #77 (The Double 45 Degree Fold) p.66.
>I believe #49 describes in picture and detail something very similar to what you were describing, Selena. #77 may hold the key to the "very intriguing twist mechanism."  I hope this might help or give some ideas.
>Frank Miller (An OA enthusiast and designer...but not well published)

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