[Oa] New Cards from Ingrid Siliakus

Andrew Crawford Andrew at Evermore.com
Thu Nov 20 20:59:32 MST 2003


I wanted to let you all know that we have a bunch of new cards from Ingrid 
Siliakus in the OA section of the Evermore Design Shop ( 
http://shop.evermore.com .)  There are 12 new zodiac cards, one for each of 
the astrological signs.  Two new flower designs, a rose and a sunflower, 
make excellent greeting cards.  They're my personal favorites.  We also 
have a new Christmas Tree card.

We still have some of Ingrid's abstract cards, too.  They're more like 
sculptural display pieces than typical OA cards: they're made of heavier 
stock and seem to stand up very well with prolonged display.  If you 
haven't seen them, you should.  They're really amazing.

Andrew Crawford
Andrew at Evermore.com

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